Today, on CSPAN, the State of the Black Union was televised. This featured black men and women from various organizations, public officials, scholars and infuential persons speaking about how we, as black americans, need to make some changes. Michael Eric Dyson, Cornel West, John Conyers, Jesse Jackson, and others from the black vanguard offered their take on the state of things, and attempted to inspire those watcthing and attending. This, however, impacted me far less than speaker Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, Black republican minister from Los Angeles California.
Rev. Peterson is the founder of an organization called "Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny".
see He has authored a book, titled, "Scam: How the Black Leadership exploits Black America". Peterson praised President Bush unequivically, and condemned the democratic platform as being anti-god and evil, citing their stances on abortion, gay marriage, and "anti-war policies". Rev. Peterson stated that the black leadership of America, such as Rev. Jesse Jackson and other leaders are morally bankrupt, and not fit to lead black americans. He judged this based on marital infidelity, and felt that the crucial change needed in the black community was a renewed emphasis on the black family, as well as personal accountability and self sufficiency.
Peterson blasted the black voting public for being dedicated to the democratic party, accusing that the major difference between the parties was that the republicans did not advocate programs such as affirmative action, reperations and welfare, which he deemed crutch programs. He believes that if men step up and become men, that they will not need leaders, they will lead themselves. He even went as far as to state,"I am a man, I dont need a leader. Any man that says he needs a leader is a weak, pathetic person." This is a minister guys.
Ok, Mr. Peterson. Where does your personal moral authority come from? Does it emanate from within yourself, or does it
follow some teaching... perhaps Jesus' teaching? Jesus came to earth as a man... so, you would not have followed him? And you don't advocate people following his teaching, because any real man would not need guidance? I am not putting current "black leaders" on par with Jesus, simply making the point that a real man knows when to lead, and when to follow. Even Jesus humbled himself and followed the will of God, says your bible. Interesting. And last I checked, minister's tend to lead congregations... but maybe not as his church.
Ok, the democratic party... it's not a panacea... we know that. But, the democrats have more social uplift policies and are more sympathetic to the causes of minorty and low income groups, while the republican party priveleges, well, just that. Privelege. I understand being leary of a high level of state intervention, but in a democracy, where people
actually exercise their rights, there is a built in system of check and balances... Rev. Peterson stated that this is a Christian nation. Wow, that's is TOTALLY NEW INFOMATION! Last I checked, their was a seperation between church and state, and I feel that any encrouchment of church on state is a violation of my personal rights. We are a nation of Christians, Jews, Muslims, Atheists, Agnostics, and to subject all of these groups to the ideals of another, is wrong, and more importantly, is illegal.
Peterson has stated that white people should stop being afraid to be called racists if they are standing up for what is right. Gee, that's interesting, because, I know that I, for one,
enjoy calling people who are treating me fairly, racists. Nothing pleases me more than to downplay equal treatment with verbal slander. Are you kidding me? We don't call fair minded, progressive people racists.... actually, we try to reserve the name for, well, racists. Go figure.
Another genius point of Peterson's was that black americans need to stop being the victims. When a caller asked about his boss discriminating against him on the job, Peterson's brilliant suggestion was to quit and start his own business. Wow. How insightful. Not only will that positively enforce that racist actions of his boss, but it will also help us move one step closer towards an equal and fair america. Nevermind that 9 out of 10 small businesses fail. But lets consider what Peterson is suggesting. In the name of progress, we black people need to get up off our asses, and when faced with an obstacle, instead of over coming it, we should quit and try something new. This will certainly not cause minority groups to self segregate. So when Tiger Woods isn't let onto a golf course, he should open his own, and only support other minority businesses. This all sounds familar... almost like the time before Jim Crow was abolished. We, as minority Americans, cannot give businesses and corporations carte blanche to relegate us into the periphery of American politics or economics. We are not going to retreat, as Peterson suggests, and repeat antiquated practices of self segregation. If we are to be integrated into this society, we will have to come together as a people and demand change and progress. Are there issues that the black community needs to work on? Certainly. But these changes will come by looking forwards, not backwards, for solutions.