The world... according to ME

I already know that the world doesn't make sense... I just try to document it.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Today's rant...

I understand that we live in an age of technology... I acknowledge that I have 25 email addresses with 23 different passwords, I have a blog, several music consoles, numerous file sharing protocols, mutliple means of instant messaging, a laptop with a wireless card, and a cell phone. So, seemingly, it should be impossible for me to be out of touch with the world for more than a .0000576 seconds. (yes, I actually calculated this) However, despite the worlds most rigorous statistical analysis and calculation of probability, something from deep within me manages to rise up, and keep me from checking my email for days at a time. Well, at least some accounts. It's as if I have weeks dedicated solely to one mailing domain or something... So invariably, every few weeks, someone calls me frantically because I have neglected to do something or respond to their email, text message, or page, which I inevitably have not checked. Perhaps this is a primitive defense mechanism or reaction to the gross invasion of privacy that we now experience, but nevertheless, I never cease to amaze myself, as well as ALL the other people who can't understand how I could go 4 days without checking my spam-ladden email. Maybe I am missing something, but does not checking your email make you a horrible person? Is this the new form of social castigation and judgement? Am I doomed to be censured because of my inability to kindle a love affair with Hotmail?

I can see it now... we would have given you tenure, but you aren't as "email responsive" as we prefer for our faculty... maybe if you respond promptly to our emails for a few years, you will be in a position to be reconsidered...

I think all of this email expectation is ludicrous... I don't sit by my email 24/hrs a day guys, and sometimes (and by sometimes I mean 97% of the time) I don't want to know what is going on in the world outside of my head. So cut me some slack. Until emails can be directly transmitted to my brain, hold tight. I'll get to you in about a week or so... give or take a week. ;)


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