The world... according to ME

I already know that the world doesn't make sense... I just try to document it.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Drugs, yeah ma...

You know, I am not one to advocate drug use, but at the same time, sometimes, you can't help but wonder what all the hype is about. On my way to campus this evening, I happened to be driving behind someone who was travelling at a relatively, well, let's say modest pace. At first, it was sort of pleasant, as I reminded myself that I wasn't in a rush, and relaxed a little. After a while though, I began to wonder... what type of person drives an SUV at 5mph? I mean, typically, these are the people who are running you OFF the road... So, after simmering for a while, my annoyance boiled over, and I jumped to the next lane, rolling my eyes and glowering into the next car. It was then, when I saw that the person was practically laying down, laughing with his homie, enjoying themselves a liiiiiiittle too much on a Wednesday night, that I realized, My God, this guy is high. I looked back in my rear view to watch a line of cars pass the slow creeping Weed-Mobile, with not a ounce of effort on the part of the driver to pick up the pace. All the angry drivers in the world were not going to make this guy's high come down. Tonight, Johnny Blaze was the safest driver on the road. So, to all you politicians who build careers on your "tough on drugs" policies, and your crackdowns on marijuana, perhaps you should reconsider a bit... I know I am ;)


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