The world... according to ME

I already know that the world doesn't make sense... I just try to document it.

Monday, September 12, 2005


Right now, outside of my apartment, there's a hurricane generated rainstorm passing by. It is windy, and kind of makes the trees swirl. I heard something crash down, probably a light fixture from outside. Undoubtably, there is a torrent of water flowing through the parking lot, as happens whenever it rains. It is pleasant though, not frightening, as exhibited by the family next door which is outside enjoying the stormy weather. Earlier, it was drizzling while the sun was out. It does that a lot here. Those are some of my favorite times.

Right now, inside my apartment, I have once again consumed an entire pizza. I did this after discussing Marx's theory of class with my beau, and debating the nuances of exploitation and class identification. Before that, we discussed the implications of international trade on foreign workers, and whether paying workers low wages in other countries constituted exploitation, or merely expanded job opportunities (for both rapacious capitalists and poor workers).

Later, I talked (again) about how I want to adopt 2-4 kids, maybe of different cultures, maybe from different countries. I really want 4 kids, ideally, assuming that I at some point actually want kids at all, which, right now, does not sound particularly appealing. However, with the costs of child rearing being so high, and the career trajectory that I would like to follow, I feel that 2 is a more feasible number. I would never have just one child, and 3 is too close to 4, so I would end up with four. I have wanted to adopt at least since I was 12, at that time, for purely selfless reasons. Admittedly now, my reasons are more selfish. Call me cynical, but I have no desire to bring my own children in this world. Its not good enough for them, and I don't foresee it becoming that way in the near future. Additionally, I cannot think of anything more devestating than children growing up w/no parents, and feeling as if no one wanted them. I can think of no greater privilege than raising such a child.

So that's whats been going on outside, inside, and inside my head.


Blogger Sibongile (su-bon-ji-lay) said...

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10:52 PM  
Blogger Reeta said...

The above blog is exactly why you're a sociology PhD student and I'm an engineer. But I'm very proud of myself, I understood every big word used in this blog. =0) It's just that none of those kinds of thoughts would ever form in my head let alone come out onto paper (keyboard) in such a cohesive manner. That's why I have friends like make me smarter! =0)

12:23 PM  

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