The world... according to ME

I already know that the world doesn't make sense... I just try to document it.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Who ARE these people?

Do you ever notice, that whenever a new Black movie comes out, you get an email from the director/producer begging you to go see their film? It's always a very sad story about how they had no friends growing up, but always wanted to be a filmmaker, and that their sole purpose for doing so was to get YOU to see their movie. No one else counts. Then they really lay it on thick, and talk about how the white establishment doesn't want their movie to succeed, and will sabatoge their movie sales by giving you tickets to the wrong movie, etc. So now, it is your moral duty as a Black person to go see this movie, and to take all of your friends and family, even the non-black ones, so that this film maker can pay his studio fees and be a success.

This is interesting to me for a few reasons. First, WHO ARE YOU? How did you get my email address??? Man.... Google is starting to get really scary, I guess you can really find anyone... Second, as much as I feel for your plight, as much as I know that it is hard to survive as a Black person in a white world, I am pretty sure that you, as a film maker, are a liiiiiiiittle better off than me. Just a little. So, the $6 that it will cost me to go, might be the charge that causes me to overdraft my feeble, ever dwindling bank account. Honestly. And somehow, this is supposed to make me feel uplifted, but all I feel is oppressed. You are out there making movies that I can't really afford to see, and throwing in my face. AND making me feel bad about it. So, here's the new plan. Since you have my email address, go ahead and send me some money, via pay pal. I have supported your movies for long enough, and its about time for you to support me a bit.


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