The world... according to ME

I already know that the world doesn't make sense... I just try to document it.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Love... makes no sense

"Pick me. Choose me. Love me." - Meredith, Grey's Anatomy

You know, a lot of people have criticized this line in the show, saying that the character seemed too desperate, but to me, it was nothing more than the display of vulnerability that love causes. Anyone who has ever loved someone else has felt that way... most of us just don't have the courage to say it.

Ok, so in the most recent episode of Grey's Anatomy, The Dr. Sheppard's are having a rough go of it. Addison is getting stoked for the holidays, while Derek seems to be some place, really any place else. As the show concludes, Addison confronts Derek, asking what was wrong because Christmas had always been their favorite holiday. Derek says (more or less): "Christmas is about spending time with people that you love. I am not saying this to hurt you, or because I don't want our relationship to work. Meredith was not a fling, she was not revenge, I fell in love with her, and just because I decided to stay with you doesn't make that go away."

DAAAAAAAAAAANG! Did you really just say that? Wow. So this led back to an earlier conversation...

Would you be more upset if your significant other: (a) cheated on you physically, or (b) fell in love with someone else?

I said (b)
My boyfriend said (a)
My roommate said (b)

What do you say?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I answered (B) in the context of a conversation that we were having about a survey (ie. not after seeing the show).

My reasoning is:
1. You can't necessarily choose who you fall in love with. Love is a weird phenomenon and knows no logic. A wise man once said that "logic is the antithesis of emotion". Ok, I'm not going to lie, this wise man was me (but still.... :D )

2. You can choose to do something physical with someone else as a conscious decision, falling in love with someone isn't always conscious.

So in conclusion, I feel that we have more control over doing something physical with someone than we do when it comes to falling in love with someone. Thus I would be more upset if you my significant other cheated.

"That Handsome Bastard" aka your loving Boyfriend, Beau or whatever else that you call me... when you're not mad at me :P

7:19 PM  
Blogger Reeta said...

OK so this hasn't happened in a really long time...but I'm gonna have to agree with "your beau" on this one...yes I'm shocked as well =0). I actually clicked to leave a comment thinking I was going to make all of these intelligent statements. I made the mistake of reading his comments and well dammit now I don't even remember what I was gonna say. So instead I'll just agree by saying... YEAH! ;O)

BTW you guys are too deep for me sometimes. You use lots of big words. I need to hang out with the smart kids more often :O)

6:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Edit: My answer was (A). I think that was obvious from my explanation, I just put the wrong letter in my comment. :-O

My bad.

"That Handsome Bastard" aka your loving Boyfriend, Beau or whatever else that you call me... when you're not mad at me :P

1:10 PM  
Blogger Marcena said...

To me, it needs no explanation.

5:08 PM  
Blogger Tiffany said...

Although the bastard had a very solid point I'm gonna go with B. Mostly because to me you can fix something physical. The physical is so momentary. Emotions last a lot longer, so if someone I was ith had emotionally invested himself with another person, I would have to deal with him being in love with that person. In the other situation I only have my emotions to deal with and the question of why he felt he needed to be physical with someone else. I can work with my own emotions. Someone else's are a different story. Either way I don't really think I'd be around to try to work through it, but to be honest we never know what we'll do, till we do it.

6:39 PM  
Blogger Elle B. said...

First and foremost, hi Alexis.
Secondly, I love Grey's Anatomy
Finally, (b) - falling in love with some else = falling out of love with me?

I like how they are developing the Meridith,Addison,Derek love triangle - I was afraid they were gonna go the cheap affair under her nose route...which would have been a cop out.

1:28 PM  

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