The world... according to ME

I already know that the world doesn't make sense... I just try to document it.

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Tales of Domestic Life

*Him listening to Kanye West's "Power"*

Him: I think I want power. Would you leave me?
Me: Yes, I only want you as long as you are slummin' and bummin'
Him: But what if they want you to be my blood sacrifice?
Me: Huh????
Him: *creepy laugh*

Tales of Domestic Life

*walking upstairs with a cup of coffee*

Him: I like Coffee...
Me: Mmm... hmmm...
Him: *takes coffee* This is mine now...
Me: I'm not fighting with you over things that can be replaced
Him: You should have made me coffee in the first place
Me: You haven't made me anything today...
Him: I made you love me! ZING!!!! (yes, he said zing.)