The world... according to ME

I already know that the world doesn't make sense... I just try to document it.

Sunday, January 29, 2006


On Friday night, there was a knock on my door. I answered, expecting my roommate. There stood my boyfriend, with flowers in one hand, and a bottle of wine in the other. I told this to my friend, and she said, "Yeah, no wonder you love him." Yeah, no wonder... :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

HO-lympics and other reasons for disgust...

So, the most interesting thing I learned today was about the HO-lympics. This is a competition among friends (male in this case), in which points are awarded (bronze, silver, gold) for hoing around. For example, meeting someone and making out would net you a bronze medal. Oral sex would get you a silver. Regular sex would get you a gold. (this essentially works on a 3,2,1 pt scale, with Gold = 3.)

Now, lets all pause and reflect on how disgusting a competition like this is.

Thank you.

However, I was more disgusted by a story I heard when talking to my roommate's boyfriend. He has a friend that does a lot of travelling, and who also likes guns, and shooting. On a trip to another country, he was at a shooting range when a native of that country came up to him in started speaking. Upon interpretation, he learned that the man was offering to let him shoot a Cambodian woman, in lieu of a target, for a cost of $2.50 US. After the friend expressed his dismay and disgust, the native man then offered to let him shoot a cow for a dollar more. ($3.50)

Advocate for human rights.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Love and Happiness

Introducing: Carly Andrea Nelson Ntoya!
My roomie from Frosh year was a BEAUTIFUL bride this weekend. May she and Toutou enjoy many many many years of happiness!